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ISO Certificate
Manual Testing Syllabus
- What is Software testing?
- Need of software testing in IT Industry?
- High level categories of software testing:
- Functional Testing
- Non Functional Testing
- Types of non-functional testing:
- Load Testing
- Stress Testing
- What is STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)?
All phases of STLC
- Requirement Gathering
- Test plan
- Test Design
- Environment Setup
- Test Execution
- Reporting
Testing Types
- Unit Testing
- Functional Testing
- Integration Testing
- Regression Testing
Other testing types:
- Smoke Testing
- Sanity Testing
- Black box
- White box
What is bug/defect?
Important fields while raising the bug:
- Title of a bug
- Assigned to <Developer>
- Release number
- Module name
- Steps to reproduce
- Screenshots
- Priority
- Severity
Defect life cycle and all phases of defect life cycle:
- New
- Assigned
- Open
- Fixed
- Retest
- Closed
- Duplicate
- Deferred
- Not a bug
What is priority of a bug?
What is severity of a bug?
Examples of all four combinations of priority and severity bugs:
- High priority and high severity bug
- High priority and low severity bug
- Low priority high severity bug
- Low priority and low severity bug
Testing techniques:
- Boundary Value Analysis
- Equivalence partitions
What is Test Plan? Contents of test plan
Difference between test plan and test strategy
What is test case?
Fields needed to write the test cases:
- Test case ID
- Title
- Prerequisite
- Test data
- Module name
- Version number
- Action
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Status
- Bug ID
- Comments
Templates used to design the test cases.
Important factors to be considered while writing test cases
Creating functional scenarios from the requirement
Creating test cases
Correct sequence of steps
Correct tense while writing test cases
Writing test cases with real time example
Agile Methodology
Four principles of agile methodology:
- Rigorous coding
- Less documentation
- Maximum client interaction
- Focus on individual team member
Fundamentals of agile methodology
Terminologies of Agile:
- Sprint
- Scrum
- Standup meetings
- User stories
- Story points
- Pre-planning meetings
- Planning meetings
- Backlog
- Retrospective meetings
- Burn down chart
Automation Testing Syllabus
Core Java Installation
- Features of JAVA
- Creating an Oracle account to download JDK
- JDK Installation
- Configuring Eclipse
- Write & compile Java programs
- Run Java code
- Write and Execute sample java programs
Java Basics
- Data types in java
- Need of different types of data types
- Class in Java
- Object of Class
- Memory level concept understanding of an object of a class
- Instance of a Class
- Difference between Class and Object
Special Keywords
- This keyword
- Final keyword
Variable Types
- Local variable concept understanding
- Properties of local variable
- Instance variable concept understanding
- Properties of instance variable
- Static variable concept understanding
- Properties of static variable
- Why static variable or method does not require an object?
- Main method in Java
- Why main method is always ‘static’ in java?
- Creating an object of a class in a main method
- Executing java code using main method
- Difference between Print and Println method
Parameters of a method
- Creating a method with parameters
- Importance of method parameters
- How to call a method with parameters?
- How to write a constructor in a java?
- Naming convention of constructor
- Properties of constructors
- Can we have return type to constructor?
- Can we have a return type to constructor? Why?
- How java differentiates been a constructor and a method having same name?
- When constructor is executed?
- Types of constructor:
Default constructor
Parameterized constructor
- How to write parameterized constructors?
- How to execute parameterized constructors?
- How java differentiate between multiple parameterized constructors?
Loops in Java
- for loop
- syntax understanding of loops
- while loop
- do while loop
- if else conditional statement
OOPs Concepts
- Understanding the concept of inheritance
- Use of inheritance in java
- Keyword to implement the inheritance
- Type of hierarchy in inheritance
- Types of Inheritance:
- Single Inheritance
- Multilevel Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- How to implement multilevel inheritance?
- Why multiple inheritance is not allowed in java using classes?
- Diamond problem in multiple inheritance
- Concept understanding
- Why this concept is needed in java?
- Abstract methods
- Abstract class
- Implementing abstract methods
- Syntax to create an object to execute abstract methods.
- Can user write non abstract methods in an abstract class?
- Drawback of abstract class to implement abstraction
- How abstraction using an abstract class varies between 0 to 100%?
- Why it is not allowed to create an object of abstract class?
- Can we write main method in an abstract class?
- Calling static method in a main method of an abstract class
- Concept understanding
- Need of this concept in java
- How java differentiate between multiple methods of same name?
- Methods Overloading
- Calling overloaded methods in a main method
- Methods Overriding
- Scenario to implement method overriding
- Calling overridden methods in a main method
- What if parent and child classed implementing method overriding have exact same methods?
Access Modifiers
- Concept understanding
- Easy trick to understand the range of modifiers within a project
- Private
- Default
- Public
- Protected
- How to use class object to access its methods in another class?
- Difference between public and protected?
- Understanding and implementing the encapsulation
- Difference between inheritance and encapsulation
String in Java
- Difference between String and other data types
- Java defined important String methods:
- charAt()
- concat()
- equals()
- equalsIgnorecase()
- length()
- contains()
- trim()
- String operations
- Program to reverse a string.
- Program to check string palindrome
Interface in Java
- Concept understanding
- Creating and Interface
- Contents of an Interface
- Implementation of Interface using Class
- Multiple Classes implementing same Interface
- Interface extending an Interface
- How to achieve 100% Abstraction using Interface
- How to achieve Multiple Inheritance using Interface
Exception Handling
- Difference between Error and Exception
- What’s the need to handle exception
- Exception handling using Try Catch block
- Throws keyword in exception handling
Collections framework in Java
- Concept understanding
- Declaring ArrayList
- Properties of ArrayList
- Declaring HashSet
- Properties of HashSet
Introduction to Automation Testing:
- What is automation
- Advantages and Disadvantages of automation
- When do we go for automation
- Selenium Course Content
- Installation ( Selenium JAR files and WebDriver file)
- Overview of Selenium
Selenium WebDriver
- What is a WebDriver?
- What are ChromeDriver, EdgeDriver etc?
- Setting the properties of WebDriver.
- Launching Browser
- Understanding the concept of WebElement in Selenium WebDriver
Element Locators:
- What is element locator?
- Locator types
- ID
- Name
- LinkText
- Tyes of Xpath
- Absolute Xpath
- Relative ( Advanced ) Xpath
- Xpath methods
- Contains()
- Start-with
- text()
- Following
- Child
- Following-sibling
Different types of operations on web elements
- Enter a value in a text box
- Click on a button
- Click on a link
Handling Dropdown values
- Select class declaration
- Select value by index
- Select value by name
- Select value by display text
Handling Alerts in Selenium
- Declaring Alert interface
- How to switch to alert
- How to read an alert text
- How to Accept or Dismiss alert?
- How to switch to default application after an alert is handled?
Navigation commands
- Need of navigation commands in Selenium
- Declaring Navigation interface
- List of commands:
- to
- back
- forward
- refresh
- Difference between to() and get() method
Mouse actions and Keyboard actions
- Declaring Actions class
- Below operation using Actions class methods:
- Click
- Double click
- Right click
- Mouse hover
- Drag and drop
- How to perform keyboard actions
- How to select web element which require multiple mouse hover?
Handling iframes
- Concept understanding of iframe
- How to identify if web element is inside the iframe or not?
- Identify iframe using id
- Identify iframe using name
- Identify iframe as a web element
Synchronization in Selenium
- Need of synchronization in Selenium WebDriver
- Understanding two entities which we need to synchronize (application and java code)
- Types of synchronization
- Implicit wait
- Explicit wait
- Understanding the WebDriverWait class
- Understand the ExpectedConditions class
- Understanding of ‘Until’ method
- The difference between implicit and explicit wait
- Preferred synchronization type to be used in a real time project
Capturing Screenshot
- Need of capturing a screenshot in real time automation testing
- Understanding TakesScreenshot interface
- Parameter of getScreenshotAs method
- How to select the type of screenshot file to be created
- How to capture screenshot in different formats like .png, .jpeg ect
- How to capture multiple screenshots
- File handling to copy the screenshot in user defined file
- Need of exception handling during screenshot file operations
File Download
- How to download files using selenium?
File upload using AutoIT
- Downloading and installing AutoIT
- Understanding the AutoIT editor
- Functionality of Finder Tool
- Identify windows elements
- How to use ControlFocus method
- Parameters of ControlFocus method with parameters
- How to use ControlSettext method
- Parameters of ControlSettext method with parameters
- How to use ControlClick method
- Parameters of ControlClick method with parameters
- How to write your first code in Autoit editor
- Compiling and converting Autoit file into .exe file
- Selenium command to execute .exe file.
- Need of exception handling while calling an .exe file
Reading data from Excel Files
- Downloading apache poi jar files
- Understanding the needed classed of apache poi
- Reading data in all rows of an excel
- Reading data of all cells in an excel
- Reading data in different tabs of excel
- TestNG annotations
- TestNG reporting
- Data Provider in testing
- Grouping of methods
- How to execute multiple test cases using a .xml file in TestNG
Extent Reports in Selenium
- Downloading the Extent Reports library files
- Understanding needed classes of extent reports
- Creating a html report of test cases
- Understanding features of html report file
- Creating a new test cases in an report
- Creating a new step in test case
- Understanding all status in extent reports
- Understanding the step description in extent report
- How to view the overall execution report of test cases
- Search functionality in extent report
- Filter test cases based on its status (pass/fail)
Creation of Framework – POM (Page Object Model)
- Understanding concept of framework
- Need of framework in automation testing
- Components of frameworks
- Object Repository
- How to create an object repository
- Storing multiple object repositories
- Reusable methods in Selenium:
Writing below reusable methods:
- Driver settings
- Reading browser name and application link from excel
- Extent reports
- Reading data from excel
- WebElement identification
- Updating jar files
- Creating feature files
- Execution through feature files
Maven Project
- Understanding maven repositories
- Creating maven project
- Understanding dependencies in maven
- Downloading selenium, testng etc using dependencies
API Testing using Postman
Getting Started
- Introduction
- Installing and Updating (IDE + Browser)
- Navigating Postman
- Sending your first request
- Managing your account
- Syncing your work
- Exploring the Public API Network
- Creating your first collection
Common http methods :
Error code and status
1×× Informational
- 100 Continue
- 101 Switching Protocols
- 102 Processing
2×× Success
- 200 OK
- 201 Created
- 202 Accepted
- 203 Non-authoritative Information
- 204 No Content
- 205 Reset Content
- 206 Partial Content
- 207 Multi-Status
- 208 Already Reported
- 226 IM Used
3×× Redirection
- 300 Multiple Choices
- 301 Moved Permanently
- 302 Found
- 303 See Other
- 304 Not Modified
- 305 Use Proxy
- 307 Temporary Redirect
- 308 Permanent Redirect
4×× Client Error
- 400 Bad Request
- 401 Unauthorized
- 402 Payment Required
- 403 Forbidden
- 404 Not Found
- 405 Method Not Allowed
- 406 Not Acceptable
- 407 Proxy Authentication Required
- 408 Request Timeout
- 409 Conflict
- 410 Gone
- 411 Length Required
- 412 Precondition Failed
- 413 Payload Too Large
- 414 Request-URI Too Long
- 415 Unsupported Media Type
- 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
- 417 Expectation Failed
- 418 I’m a teapot
- 421 Misdirected Request
- 422 Unprocessable Entity
- 423 Locked
- 424 Failed Dependency
- 426 Upgrade Required
- 428 Precondition Required
- 429 Too Many Requests
- 431 Request Header Fields Too Large
- 444 Connection Closed Without Response
- 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
- 499 Client Closed Request
5×× Server Error
- 500 Internal Server Error
- 501 Not Implemented
- 502 Bad Gateway
- 503 Service Unavailable
- 504 Gateway Timeout
- 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
- 506 Variant Also Negotiates
- 507 Insufficient Storage
- 508 Loop Detected
- 510 Not Extended
- 511 Network Authentication Required
- 599 Network Connect Timeout Error
Creating a workspace
Setting up Postman
Importing and exporting data
Troubleshooting app issues
Sending Requests
Building requests
Authorizing requests
Receiving responses
Grouping requests in collections
Feed Back - What our Student Says

How will you get your certificate?
After Successful Completion Course Students will get ISO Certified SoftCopy via Mails or Can be Easily Downloaded from https://coresoftech.com

Assistance with all Leading Certification Partner

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No such prerequisite, however a basic knowledge to the subject is preferable.
Any person 10th Pass can pursue.
The training mode is LIVE Instructor led online training i.e by ZOOM, Skpye, Google MEET Etc
You have the facility to watch the recorded daily Missed lectures anytime.
Dont worry!! You will get recorded lectures on the mobile/web application, which you can see it later.
The batch start Every Weeks Monday
You can select the preferred start date & Time at the time of registration.
The average lecture duration shall be average 1 hour LIVE +QA
Extra 1 hour for practice & assignments at home is good.
There will be doubts QA and session everyday During LIVE Training .
You can share yours Doubts Share Screen to Trainer 1 to 1 Basis.
You Can get Training Material, Ebooks Assignments Access through Link during Training, Login Access , Gdrive etc
Once Enrolled you Cannot Cancel, However you can reschedule or Transfer the courses to Other Candidate or Softwares Training.
You may Join Other Live Batch , Adjustment with Class room Batch And request to admin@caddeskpune.com
On registration we will send the link of the official software website link and you can download the trial software from there.
You Can join live classes through Smartphone or watch recorded videos through Phone anytime anywhere
However, you require Laptop or desktop for the practice and assignments.
The certificate shall be provided in digital form ( E-Certificate ISO 9001:2015 with QR code once you complete the training .
The physical certificate you can take Color printout & laminate with less than Rs 50/- anywhere
Most industries/MNC and Universities/college recognise its certificate.
As off now there is no such authorising body in India for short term online courses so it all works on the virtue of reputation.
We do Provide free 100% Placements Assistance.
100% Job Gurantee Even IIT & IIM also don’t provide.
We dont want to trap & Give false promises .
Offline doubt revision through any of Pune centers in India.
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